Ix Database

Access to: Jaunpur, Qalisar
Anekbah is characterized by the frightening and oppressive high-rises of the Security Service that diligently survey the city; enormous windmills turn slowly, generating energy by capturing the currents created from temperature fluctuations; it is here, amongst the dark streets and claustrophobic alleys that you will begin your adventure.

Official website description

Anekbah is one of the four districts of Omikron, and the first the player sees. Annexed to it is the red-light district of Qalisar.

Anekbah seems to take design cues from the work of Syd Mead[1] (both his vehicles and his buildings are sleek and shiny), and his designs for A New Hope, Blade Runner, Aliens and Tron. There's a bit of Chris Foss[2] in the behemoth low orbit shuttles that swoop up and down. But in the end, one must admit that in the art department about as much as any other part, David Cage's games are unparalleled for the singularity of their vision.


Anekbah Grit

Detailed textures on the grittier side of Anekbah





  • Telis
  • Beggar (Slider: Restaurant Tahira St.) that gives the Beggar's Pass for a Life Potion. The Pass can be used at the Wiki Garden to get Arts related artifacts

